Series: Thrive: Investing and Sustaining
November 26, 2023 | Rev. Brooke Heerwald Steiner
We wrap up our fall stewardship series, where we are celebrating all the wonderful ways God has blessed this faith community. We will hear Jesus’ words from the Sermon on the Mount, where he taught us to invest in our hearts and not in earthly treasures. Do our lives reflect the gratitude we have for God? Does our giving demonstrate our investment in our values?
Series Information

Jesus talked about money and possessions more than any other topic. For four weeks, we’ll dive into how we can continue to invest our money into the values that we hold most dear. Why did Jesus care about money so much? What is the connection between our attitudes towards money and our spiritual life with God? What does it look like to use our money and possessions as tools to help build community, serve others, and stand for justice? We’ll hear Jesus’ teachings together and spend time reflecting on what we are each called to do in response.