
Within the Church

There are a variety of ways for you to give to your church and get connected through service.
Whether you can volunteer every week or twice a year, we have a role for you!
Below are some of the ways for you to plug in, and a form to fill out to vounteer.

Sunday Morning Worship

Volunteer as a greeter, usher, communion server, or reader in our worship service. Work the A/V booth. Create meaningful liturgy and worship experiences for others.

Connect with Children

Volunteer as a Sunday school teacher, hold babies in the nursery, or help plan fun events and activities for our families.

Connect with Youth

Volunteer as a Confirmation mentor, cook food for youth group, share your life experience with students coming of age.

Congregational Care

Help connect those who aren't able to be physically present in church through phone calls or visits. Pray for those going through a difficult situation. Mail cards or letters to people in need of a little sunshine.

Building Care

Volunteer to help keep the gardens blooming and the weeds away. Help with clean up and occasional grounds projects.

Join a Team

Help strategize and engage others through a team focused on a specific area: Worship, Outreach, Social Justice, Welcoming, Adult Faith, Children & Youth.

Sign Up to Serve Within the Church

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Please add me to the list of volunteers for these groups.

Sunday morning helper

Youth helper

Congregational care

Building care

Join a team