Current Series

Bless this Mess

Life is messy. The world is very messy. Luckily, our faith gives us practices to help navigate the chaos with grace and intention. During Lent, we’ll be looking at how we can bless the messes around us, within us, beside us. Honoring our bodies as sacred, embracing Sabbath in a restless world, fighting and forgiving will help us release the burdens we carry. We will explore the wisdom of living with enough, confession that brings healing, and the role of routines to ground us in God’s love. We do not have to have everything together in order to be transformed by God’s presence.


Celebrating Diversity: Encountering God in Disability

Disabled people are full members of the body of Christ. Unfortunately, this is not always the reality experienced in churches. Ableism, discrimination that favors able-bodied people, has taught us to view disability as brokenness instead of sacredness. Throughout Lent, we’ll be examining disability through a different lens: one that celebrates disability and values the gifts it brings to our faith community. 

February 2024

God made each of us in God’s image. Still, each of us are vastly different from each other. This teaches us that God values diversity and differences, and that they are sacred! Join us as we seek to celebrate the different gifts, experiences, and perspectives we bring to the table. 

Why? Asking God the Hard Questions

Life is full of tragedy, suffering, and natural disasters. Whenever this happens, we find ourselves asking God why. Where is God when suffering happens? Does God even listen to our desperate prayers? These honest questions are important to uncover together.

The Weary World Rejoices

We live in a weary world filled with people who are exhausted.  Tired from fighting, violence, anxiety, depression, poverty, and we aren't always sure what it means to be hopeful.  As we await the birth of Jesus, we'll hear the words of the prophets speaking to a weary world thousands of years ago.  Even amidst great turmoil and unrest, we can find a way to bring joy and hope into this world.

Thrive: Investing and Sustaining

Jesus talked about money and possessions more than any other topic. For four weeks, we’ll dive into how we can continue to invest our money into the values that we hold most dear. Why did Jesus care about money so much? What is the connection between our attitudes towards money and our spiritual life with God? What does it look like to use our money and possessions as tools to help build community, serve others, and stand for justice? We’ll hear Jesus’ teachings together and spend time reflecting on what we are each called to do in response.


4 Spiritual Types

Each of us brings unique gifts, experiences, and preferences to our communal life together. This is also true with our spirituality. For four weeks, we'll explore four different spiritual types.

Bible Sunday

This week is our first family-friendly worship service of the school year. These are always a highlight, where all ages come together to sing, learn, move, and reflect on the theme of the day. We will be giving out Bibles to our elementary school students. We’ll hear Jesus’ words of “let the children come to me.” 

Epic Tales

There are several classic tales of the faith taught in every Sunday school classroom around the world. We'll spend the month of September looking at four of these epic tales and how they can shape our faith, young and old.

Better Together

The Bible tells us to be connected and concerned with the well-being of all those in our world. We do better when everyone else around us does better. We have a vested interest in the well-being of others.

BOLD: 5 Female Leaders in the Old Testament

In July as we learn from five bold and important female leaders in the Old Testament. What do you know about these five powerful women: Esther Deborah, Hagar, Miriam, Rahab.  Join us as we hear and connect with their stories. 
