Contents: One (1) Christian. Just Add Water.

Series: Christian: Noun or Verb?

July 21, 2024 | Guest Speaker

We recount the story of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet. A simple act of service which embodies community, service and humility. We are all different. We possess unique skills, varied interests, and find ourselves in all stages of life. What tools do we each have at our disposal to live as Christians? What simple acts are within our capabilities and resources? And where can we look for examples and instructions? Whose feet can I wash today?

Series Information

We begin a new series that will feature not only my voice, but the voices of five congregation members. A strong value of our church is empowering one another and hearing each other’s voices. We will live into that in July and August as we experience a worship series that is shaped and molded by five others. I have been blessed to hear their perspectives and reflections on our theme and I know you will too.

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Other sermons in the series

August 04, 2024

The Camino Provides

What if we understood our lives, our relationships, our creativity and...

August 11, 2024

Faith in Uncertainty

What does love look like in a faith community like EUMC? Love shared...

August 18, 2024

The Olympic Faith

After hearing the wisdom and moving perspectives from five congregation...

August 25, 2024

For Giving

This Sunday we touch on John Wesley's essential teaching on Prevenient...