Better Together

Series: Better Together

August 06, 2023 | Excelsior UMC, Mt. Calvary Lutheran and Congregational Church of Excelsior

We gather with other faith communities in Excelsior to celebrate our unity. We are better when we’re together! Pastor Brooke preaches, Pastor Johnathan (Congregational Church of Excelsior) leads the children’s message, Pastor Kyle (Mount Calvary Lutheran Church) leads communion, along with music from all the churches.

Series Information

The Bible tells us to be connected and concerned with the well-being of all those in our world. We do better when everyone else around us does better. We have a vested interest in the well-being of others.

Sermon Notes

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Other sermons in the series

August 20, 2023

Jesus Made Known

What does it mean to be "better together" with our young adults and...