Holy Gift: God Creates, We Steward

Series: Experiencing the Holy: Celebration & Responsibility for God’s Creation

August 28, 2022 | Rev. Brooke Heerwald Steiner

Martin Luther is quoted as once saying, “God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone. But also on the trees and in the flowers and clouds and stars.” We continue exploring God’s Creation this week as we talk about what a gift creation is for us. God is infused in every part of creation, from the smallest of cells in our body to the newly formed galaxies thousands of light years away. God gave us the Earth and expects us to care for it. This doesn’t mean we don’t learn from the Earth as well. This week we reflect on the ways creation teaches and shapes us.

Series Information

Join us for 4 weeks in worship as we connect more deeply with creation and claim God’s call on us to be caretakers of the earth. For many of us, God is never more present or real than when we can experience God out in nature. Together, we will be sharing our love of nature along with urgent needs of environmental justice.


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