Good Enough

Series: May Series

May 15, 2022

We celebrate together two important milestones: baptism and confirmation. No matter where we are on our faith journey, God calls each of us, over and over. We will hear the call story of Jeremiah, who first refuted God by saying he wasn’t good enough, not old enough. God called him anyway, reminding us that we all have what it takes to respond to God’s call, regardless of our skill set or age or ability. Each one of us is already equipped to build community, serve others, and stand for justice. 

Series Information

God works through small, seemingly insignificant moments as well. As we seek to be Easter people, let us remember the stories in our Bible where God took ordinary people, ordinary objects, ordinary places and used them in great big ways to flood the world with love and joy: tiny mustard seeds, two fish, five rocks. Join us as we explore how these small things made a big difference.

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