Brooke Heerwald Steiner
Lead Pastor
Office: 952.474.5471 Ext. 1
Brooke was appointed to serve Excelsior UMC in the summer of 2018. She is a graduate of Duke University (go Blue Devils!) and Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. Prior to coming to Excelsior, she served White Bear Lake UMC and Rosemount UMC. Her passions in ministry include preaching, teaching, thinking outside the box, and making church fun. Brooke is delighted when people of any faith background ask critical and sincere questions of faith and come together in community to work it out. Her favorite Wesley quote is “Though we cannot think alike, may we not love alike? May we not be of one heart, though we are not of one opinion?” Brooke is married to Jeremy, where their house is full with four young children (Annabelle, Anderson, Sawyer & Chase) and a golden retriever, Huckleberry. She enjoys reading, writing, running, comedy, drinking tea and eating sugar.